Picture this... You've just finished a brand new web design. It's perfect.
Everything down to the last pixel is exactly as you pictured it would be. This could be one of your best designs yet.
All that's left to do is get approval from the client.
You proceed to type up a professional email, attach a link or series of Jpgs, and send it off for feedback.
Sound familiar?
Stop! You're doing it all wrong.
Over the years, I've presented a ton of designs. So many that It's almost become an artform.
But, it wasn't always that way.
When I first started out, I was like you.
I'd finish my design, package it up in a short email, then send it off approval.
Almost EVERY job came back with revisions.
The worst part was the client requests were ridiculous...
Make the logo 50% bigger! My favourite colour is yellow, can you add that? Can I have a picture of my dog on the home page? We need music playing in the background... and so on.
This wasn't just on freelance projects.
One of the first advertising agencies I worked at was even worse. There was zero communication between the designers and clients (at project start and completion). Everything was presented by account managers or salespeople.
Ever play the game ‘telephone' as a kid? It was something like that...
It wasn't until 5 or 6 years later that I finally figured it out.
As a professional designer, it was MY responsibility to present to the client (either in-person or live web conference).
Not through email. Not through an account manager. ME... the designer.
I needed to walk them through everything, and explain WHY I did things. Like why my design will get the visitor from point A to B. Why each colour, font and bucket of content was for their target audience. Why the design was for the visitor and NOT them.
By the time I was done, they'd understand that everything was intentional. Everything had a reason for being there.
Important Note: ‘Looks Cool' is not a good reason.
These days, my success rate is 99%.
After I finish my presentation, it's pretty rare to walk away with revisions. When I do, they are minimal.
By properly presenting my design, I would:
Save time and get to the next phase of the project faster
Educate my client on the design and why it works
Deliver a better end product (one that wasn't designed by the client)
How do you present a design?
Do you email off the design or do a full presentation? Share you comments below.
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